Tuesday, June 14, 2016

ED609 Digital Safety Reflection

     Digital safety is important for people of all ages to learn and understand.  As discussed in our ED609 course, cyber bullying, fair use practices and copyright issues, textual harrassment and sexting, and pharming and phishing are necessary components in understanding the scope of digital safety. We need to be more educated about the dangers that lurk in the digital world and the potential harm that can be done without sufficient awareness and good practices.
     The educational unit on digital safety included cyber bullying, fair use practices and copyright issues, textual harrassment and sexting, and pharming and phishing. Each topic is an important component to the lesson and when teaching the unit to my students I would not add or remove anything. I believe that every student should be taught and tested on each of these areas because of the prevalence of digital use around the world. When teaching this to my students I would make some changes to the style of presentation. In our university course, majority of the presentations were professional type slideshows and I would ensure my lessons be more interactive. I would utilize videos, graphic organizers, games, and technology to introduce and teach the lessons.
     For our group presentation we utilized the online tool "emaze" which for each of us was new. In my opinion emaze was an excellent presentation tool and provided us a very interesting and new way to present information. It is was very user-friendly and had a lot of trendy graphics and animations that helped make the overall presentation appealing.
     Overall, I learned a lot from the lesson and will implement the information and tools into my lessons. 

Cyberbullying Resource for Law Enforcement. (September, 2014). Retrieved June 7, 2016 from http://www.dare.org/free-iacpncmec-cyberbullying-resource-for-law-enforcement/.

Guam Compilation of School Discipline Laws and Regulations. (2015, March). Retrieved June 7, 2016 from https://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/sites/default/files/discipline-compendium/Guam%20School%20Discipline%20Laws%20and%20Regulations.pdf.

Preventing Cyberbullying. (October, 2013). Retrieved June 6, 2016 from http://cyberbullying.org/.

1 comment:

  1. Hi:
    Your essay was very nicely written. Still, your multimedia BLOG could use some multimedia.
